Exclusive Paintings
The studio has been busy lately with some commissioned artworks I was working on that I wanted to share here with you. They’re all unique customized paintings that were created especially for each collector according to their requests.
All the paintings were based on tropical plants, from strelitzia to monstera and begonia, which has been my obsession and the motif on my artwork for the last two years. They’re minimalistic with bold vivid colors. Exactly the way I see objects, by their shape and color. Thankfully, the collectors gave me total freedom to make the paintings, and it was a joyful experience to work with them. My wish is for the artwork to reflect the fun and excitement I had during the process later in the collector’s home.
Here are some of the latest painting commissions of 2020, they’re all on paper, some of them using gouache and other acrylic paints. The size varies from 9”x12” (similar to regular letter size) to 22”x30”, the largest one that I’ve worked on until now.
If you’re an art lover and feel inspired by these exclusive arts, contact me here or email ariana@arianatavares.com for more information. It will be a pleasure to make a unique painting for you!