2020 in Review
What a YEAR! Like no other I ever lived, 2020 is certainly a year with lots of lessons, challenges and transformations. A year that was harsh for many people, myself included. Despite the resolutions and plans that had to be adapted here in the studio, I could say that 2020 was quite a productive one. Many good things also happened, and it is with this positive perspective that I wanted to share here with you a review of the awesome stuff that happened in the studio in 2020. Let’s go?
Coloring Pages
At the beginning of the year, as I was new to Procreate, I started to experiment the app with simple drawings. And, as a plant lover, I drew some plants on vases, leafs, and interiors. When the pandemic hit in march, some of those drawings were offered to be downloaded for free and used as a coloring page. Click here to read the blog post about the coloring pages, feel free to download them, and share with your family and friends.
Tropical series
The series of paintings Tropical started in 2019 intended to express through art how much I miss my home country Brazil, after living in NYC for almost 4 years. It shows the appreciation I have for Brazil’s natural features, its forests filled with tropical plants, and also the happiness and optimism Brazilian people have despite all the difficulties. This year I made more paintings to this ongoing series, and while working on them, I listened to one of my favorite Brazilian composer and performer, Jorge Ben Jor, which personifies this joyful Brazilian vibe that I aimed to represent in these paintings. To learn more about Tropical series, click here.
For the first time, I was asked to paint and illustrate for somebody else, and this is a big win! Yaaay! It was such a good experience to make something totally unique and special for collectors, that I share more details about it in this blog post.
Now, it’s your turn to look back at all the good things that happened to you in 2020, and share them in the comments below. What’s in your gratitude list for 2020?In all experiences we have a lesson to learn, and this year show us how much this is true. It is our choice to see something positive in all that happens with us. Hope you have a wonderful and safe Holidays!